Welcome to Unity Christian Church
Located in the heart of the New River Valley
Radford, Virginia
We strive to be a transforming 21st Century, Disciples of Christ congregation, gifted and empowered by the Holy Spirit to be a faithful witness in our congregation, community and beyond.
Our Vision is to be a spiritually vibrant congregation intentionally committed to the discernment of God's will, growth and understanding of what it means to a be a disciple, and serving God by serving others.
Our Mission is to transform lives, our congregation, and community based on God's unique vision for us, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and sharing the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:2)
To accomplish this we shall: Reach Up. Reach In. Reach Out.
Reach Up
Join us on Sundays at 11. Missed a sermon?
Check out our recent sermons here. -
Reach In
Join a bible study or one of our Men’s, Women’s, or Youth Groups!
Reach Out
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