Thoughts for February
2025 has started off a bit rough—Mass Murder in New Orleans, Devastating Fires in California, Brutally Cold Temperatures throughout the country, and a Political Storm that has caused great fear and despair among many. It is hard not to name all of this and wonder, “What in the world is going on?” It is also very tempting to feel despair and hopelessness, and wonder, “How can I, one person help any of this?” Well, my dears, there is always something we can do.
The Week of Compassion ministry within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is at work amidst all of these hardships and our prayers and financial resources help in big ways. Our emphasis on Week of Compassion and taking up a special offering will take place the last two Sundays in February, (Feb. 16 and Feb. 23,) however I invite us to spend the whole month of February in prayer for Week of Compassion, in prayer about what we can give financially, and educating ourselves on all that Week of Compassion does. When you get a chance take a look at the website:
The theme this year is, “Heard and Seen” based on the Philippians 4:9:
Keep on doing the things that you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and the God of peace will be with you.
Throughout the month of February both in weekly newsletters, bulletins, and social media posts you will read and hear about what Week of Compassion does to offer love, healing, compassion, and hope to all the world. On Sunday, Feb. 23 our Christian Women’s Fellowship will be hosting a Week of Compassion Soup Lunch after worship to conclude our Week of Compassion emphasis and give us a taste of what it is like to have little. Plan now to join us at the table that day.
I look forward to sharing in this ministry together,
Pastor Wendy