Ways To Serve
Along with our specific ministries of Reaching Up, Reaching In, and Reaching Out, we have teams that help with the day to day operations of the church.
Elders are elected members of the congregation who are primarily responsible for the spiritual health and wellbeing of the congregation. Along with assisting the pastor with pastoral cares, concerns, and visitation, they serve at the Lord’s Table every Sunday in worship.
The Board is a group of elected members of the congregation that oversee the vision and mission of the congregation and all business type of decisions.
The Property Team handles oversight and maintenance of the church building and grounds.
Trustees act as the legal agents of the Church under the direction of the Church Board and the members of the congregation. They are responsible for executing all business and legal transactions relating to property and for administering endowment, memorial and trust funds, and capital improvement financing. Trustees are elected by the members of the congregation at the annual congregational meeting.
The Finance team is responsible for the oversight of the day to spending our general budget.
The media ministry is an integral part of our worship/reaching up ministry and Evangelism/reaching out ministry.
The leadership of the ministry is made up of several faithful members who have gifts in this area. We use media in worship to enhance the worship experience visually and to provide virtual services for all Sunday service and special services. We are also able to stream funerals and memorial services if families wish.
We also use social media as an evangelism tool to spread the gospel and to communicate with others what we are up to and how can people can get involved.
This ministry focuses on both the reaching in and reaching out parts of our mission. The Cares and Concerns Team meets weekly to pray together for the needs of our members, families, and neighbors. They are also committed to sending cards of support, congratulations, welcome, birthday greetings, thinking of you, praying for you, and sympathy. They also make calls and occasional visits to members and neighbors as way of showing love and care.
If you feel called to participate, please contact us using the button below!