Women’s Ministry
Christian Women’s Fellowship
The purpose of the Christian Women’s Fellowship (CWF) is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth, enrichment, education and creative ministries to enable women to develop a sense of personal responsibility for the whole mission of the Church of Jesus Christ.
UCC has 2 Circle groups that meet monthly having a devotional study, conduct business and then socialize with our sisters in Christ. We have a strong unit of women that are committed to continuing and expanding our mission work which is 90% local within our own community.
We are dedicated to “Serving God by Serving Others”.
God and My Girlfriends
God and My Girlfriends is made up of women of all ages (teens, twenties, thirties on up to 90.)
They meet weekly throughout the year with the exception of summer and December. They share in a potluck meal and then study the bible, a particular book, spiritual disciplines, or other things around faith and every day life. They meet in the home of the pastor or other members of the group.
All women are invited to participate.